Recipe For an Herbal Detox Tea For Body Cleansing
Herbal detox tea is a popular way to help aid in colon cleansing. Even the healthiest person who eats right and has regular bowel movements will still have a substance build up in their colon and intestines called mucoid plaque. Over time, this substance will harden and become nearly impossible to flush out of the system. People who specialize in herbs and colon cleansing claim herbal tea is one of the proven methods to get this intestinal plaque out of the body. There are many herbal teas available on the market, like Ten chi cha, and some are better than others. Tea can also be easily made at home, as long you have the right ingredients. Here is one example of an herbal detox tea recipe.
For this herbal detox tea recipe, you simply need to gather various teas in the right amounts, and put them together and prepare the combined mixture as you normally would. This mixture created in this recipe will consist of 4 parts peppermint tea, 1 part red clover, 1 part dandelion, 1 part buchu, and 1 part green tea. The peppermint tea is to help improve digestion. The red clover will help to purify the blood. The dandelion will cleanse the liver, in addition to purifying the blood. Buchu is a natural diuretic, and the green tea is loaded with many powerful antioxidants.
Another herbal detox tea recipe makes what is referred to as "puri tea". This recipe requires peppermint, fennel, liquorice, red clover, cleavers, Oregon grape root, dandelion, burdock root, butternut bark, chickweed, nettles, and parsley root. Another recipe calls for 1 part flax seed, 1 part fenugreek, 1 part fennel seed, 1/4 part burdock, 1/4 part liquorice root, and 1 part peppermint. Yet another recipe, one which also helps to clean and detoxify the liver too, includes yellow dock root, dandelion root, red sage, sarsaparilla, hyssop, liquorice root, milk thistle seed, parsley leaf, and Pau de Arco.
If you are wondering what all those ingredients listed in the various herbal detox tea recipes are for, fennel seed forms white blood cells. Cleavers is an herb that helps cure infections. Oregon grape root is helpful in cleansing and strengthening the body. Burdock root will help purify the many bodily systems. Netters are very rich in all kinds of minerals. Fenugreek will help to get rid of mucus and toxins that have built up over time in the body. Simply make a list and take it with to any health food store, and they should have these ingredients readily available.
Many people are not aware there is a healthier Red Detox Tea. For more detail, please [Click Here].
Recipe For an Herbal Detox Tea For Body Cleansing
Reviewed by N
March 02, 2020