70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness

70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness

One of the biggest road blocks that people tell me they have is time. We are all living in a super busy, wound up, go all day kind of world. Getting in eating healthy and workouts and stress reduction can actually be a challenge when you're trying to juggle work, family, relationships and more. (Believe me - I am right there with you!)

I was talking with one of our fitness retreat guests the other day and she wanted simple, broken down ideas of what she could do immediately when she returned home. Change seemed overwhelming for her and I know it is for many other people too. So I decided to create this easy list of 70 simple daily habits to give you ideas of what you can do right now to make small changes in your daily routine.

My goal was to have you pick one from any of the three categories below to focus on for that day. You can continue to practice the same habit or you can choose a different one each day. You can extend to a week if you'd prefer. Either way, the list was created to show you that there are many different little tweaks you can make to make a difference in your health and wellness. Focus on what you need most and what feels good for you!



  • Add in a new color food (yellow, red, green, purple, white, orange, blue)
  • Try a new food
  • Eat at least 1 serving of fruits and vegetables daily
  • Use portion control
  • Eat all unprocessed foods
  • Have a no sweets day
  • Drink water
  • "Healthify" an otherwise unhealthy meal
  • Have protein at each meal (can be animal or plant based)
  • Chew your food completely
  • Eat without distractions
  • Eat sitting down rather than standing up
  • Meal prep
  • Limit caffeine in the afternoon
  • No white/refined carbs
  • Look ahead the menu if going out to eat so you can decide which healthy item you'll have
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • Add in healthy fats
  • Stop before you're stuffed (you can have the rest later)
  • Take a multi
  • Get in your Omega 3s
  • Take quick snacks with you if you'll be traveling or on the go
  • Seek out recipes from cookbooks or online blogs if you need inspiration


  • Make time for recovery (stretch, foam roll, dynamic flexibility)
  • Try a new workout
  • Change your current workout (tempo, sets, reps, weight, interval time, etc)
  • Take your workout outside
  • Track your progress so you know what's working and what isn't
  • If you're not sure where to start - seek help from a professional so you can get going
  • Take a walk
  • Something is better than nothing (even 5 minutes)
  • Take advantage of vacation time and get in regular workouts
  • Try an outdoor activity instead of a conventional workout (go paddle boarding, cycling, hiking, cross country skiing)
  • If it causes you pain, don't do it (injury pain)
  • If you have injuries - seek out a professional to fix the root of the issue
  • Challenge yourself a little more today than you did yesterday
  • Help a friend get to the gym if they're lacking motivation
  • If you can't get to the gym, do a workout at home (push ups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, plank, bridge, and the list goes on... )
  • Take the stairs
  • Park in the space furthest away from the building
  • Use a standing desk or appropriate area where you can stand
  • Get up every 15-30 minutes to walk around the office or the building
  • Break a sweat
  • Schedule your workout before work (if you never get to it after work)
  • Walk to lunch
  • Walk to work
  • Bike to work
  • If you're traveling, scope out gyms or walking/running routes so you can still get in workouts


  • Meditate
  • Start a gratitude journal
  • Write down something positive about yourself or your life each day
  • Name 3 wins from yesterday
  • Name 3 wins you want from today
  • Get outside and into the fresh air
  • Take a nap
  • Read 5 pages a day
  • Turn electronics off at least 2 hours before bed
  • Have a no phone or tv night
  • Go a full week without tv
  • Deep breathe
  • Go to a yoga class
  • Get a massage
  • Get a fascial
  • Relax by the pool or ocean
  • Create a vision board and look at it often
  • Identify which stressors need to be eliminated from your life and create a plan to do so
  • Plan a vacation (something to look forward to is always a good thing)
  • Get a mani/pedi with a friend
  • Diffuse essential oils in your home
  • Make time for a friend or family member


Change is hard. I think we can all agree on that. Small, simple steps can lead up to big change if you're willing to be consistent. Start small. That's why I created this list - so you can get an idea of the little things you can implement today or tomorrow that will enhance your health, fitness and wellness. Do what you can with where you're at.
70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness 70 Simple Daily Habits You Can Do For Health, Fitness & Wellness Reviewed by N on March 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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